This strategic collaboration aims to establish a Center of Excellence (COE) in Mining, Research, and Teaching at TUN. This will catalyze education excellence for students in the mining industry, foster research and innovation, and promote the community’s economic development and environmental sustainability.
Tharaka University (TUN) Vice Chancellor and CEO Prof. Peter K. Muriungi has today signed a Letter of Intent with Sönke Krey Unternehmensgruppe (An International company based in Germany) to collaborate on copper mining and mineral processing within Tharaka Nithi County. The witness for the signing ceremony was Dr. Eric Ruto, the President of the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI).

Gracing the event were Sönke Krey the chairman of Sönke Krey Unternehmensgruppe, Mr. Charles Komen the Chair of the Mining Sector, KNCCI, Madam Cynthia Nyawira Director at KNCCI National Office, Madam Sophie Krey and Mr. Githundu – The Tharaka Nithi Chamber Chair. Representatives of Tharaka University Fraternity were Prof. Veronica Nyaga, Ph.D. Ag. Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, Research and Students Affairs, Prof. Levi Musalia, Ag. Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Administration, Finance, Planning and Development, Dr. Fidelis Ngugi – Dean, FPET, Dr. Daniel Muriithi, Ph.D. Registrar – Academic Affairs, Mr. Collins Sitienei – Coordinator, Partnerships and Linkages, and Dennis Mugambi -Director Farm, Buildings and University Enterprises, Entrepreneurs in the mining sector and TUN staff.